John Strand
PhD Limnology, Hushållningssällskapet Halland
Research interests: Applied research on ecosystem services of constructed wetlands in the agricultural landscapes and the multi-functionality of CWs (e.g. nutrient retention, aquatic biodiversity, buffering). Also work with applied nature conservation measures and environmental monitoring projects and advisory service to landowners. Project leader for: “Constructed wetlands as hydrological Buffers”.
Tel. +46 (0) 70-843 82 18

Lisa Feuerbach-Wengel
BSc. Environmental Science, Hushållningssällskapet Halland
Tel. +46 (0) 73-999 18 37

Sofia Hedman
BSc Biology, Hushållningssällskapet Halland
+46 (0) 73-550 08 15

Lea Schneider
PhD Aquatic Ecology, Hushållningssällskapet Halland

Björn Klatt
Sci.agr.dr. Agroecology, Lund University/Hushållningssällskapet Halland
Research interests: The influence of climate change, pesticides, land-use change and their combinations on bees and pollination as an ecosystem function and the development of new strategies to mitigate detrimental effects from such stressors. Project leader for: “Wetlands 2.0”.

Peter Hambäck
Professor Ecology, Stockholm University
Research interests: Arthropod ecology, with a particular focus on the landscape ecology of species interactions. Within wetlandscape ecology, the interest is focussed on the role of the aquatic system on species living on the shoreline. Project leader for: “Managing constructed and natural wetlands for arthropod diversity in agricultural landscapes”.
Tel. +46 (0) 73-076 51 26

David Åhlén
PhD-student Ecology, Stockholm University
Research interests: Terrestrial arthropod community dynamics, and the effect of management regimes of CW’s in the agricultural landscape. Mainly working with spiders and predatory insects to investigate aquatic-terrestrial interactions in predator-prey systems.
+46 (0)76-296 20 64

Jerker Jarsjö
Professor Hydrologi, Stockholm University
Research interests: Wetland hydrology, hydro-climatic conditions and large-scale wetland systems within the landscape. This includes relations between hydrological characteristics (water levels, water residence times, and discharges) and wetland functions (buffering capacity, retention of nutrients / pollutants and biodiversity support).
+46 (0) 8-16 49 58

Feel free to contact us
Hushållningssällskapet Halland
Lilla Böslid 146
305 96 Eldsberga