av John Strand | okt 30, 2021 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers, Wetlands 2.0
The whole Biowetland project group attended a conference at Stockholm University (Multi-functional wetlands) the 27 of October and thereafter a 2-day workshop with ca 20 researchers discussing a joint paper on Constructed wetlands and synergies and trade-offs of...
av John Strand | sep 27, 2021 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers, Wetlands 2.0
Some time must be spent on mainenance on the 125 water level meters. Here Sam changes batteries in one of them
av John Strand | aug 30, 2021 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers
Today David arrived in Halmstad for sampling with Malaise traps and pitfall traps in the 14 wetlands that we will empty next year. This sampling toghether with another sampling next year before emptying will serve as comparisons with samplings done after the lowering...
av John Strand | aug 25, 2021 | Wetland as buffers
Today Johan and Joel from Heurgren Film AB spent a day in Halland to film our activities in the buffer project and also visiting researchers Pia and Joachim from projekt WetKit. The film is produced as part of project WetKit.
av John Strand | aug 25, 2021 | Wetland as buffers
This week the second field sampling was done in 80 of ”our” buffer wetlands to investigate occurence of Cyano algae and cyano toxin, as part of our networking collaboration with Pablo Urrutia Cordero at Lund univiserity. This time it was Sam (working for...