av John Strand | jun 1, 2020 | Wetlands 2.0
Now all trap nests have been located at the CWs. In total 85 trap nests are deployed. In each trap nest there are 23 nesting tubes, giving at total of 1 955 available nests at the 85 CWs.
av John Strand | maj 15, 2020 | Wetlands 2.0
We have done the first sampling of pollinators using pan traps (colour bowls). 3 traps of different colour have been placed at 50 CWs.
av John Strand | mar 5, 2020 | Wetlands 2.0
We had a meeting with our project partners from Stockholm University to discuss the biodiversity sampling in our different projects.
av John Strand | mar 1, 2020 | Wetlands 2.0
We have started to place trap nests in constructed wetlands (CWs), and we use the same CWs we have selected for the project “Wetlands as Buffers” (see data on that project on the tab at the Homepage). The trap nests are placed on the wooden pole supporting the water...
av admin | jan 1, 2020 | BioWetland, Management of CW, Wetland as buffers, Wetlands 2.0
Welcome to BioWetland! Wetlandscapes & Biodiversity – Buffer, Biodiversity and Bees Research on how constructed wetlands(CWs) function hydrologically in a river basin perspective and how hydrology and its interactions with wetland design, location and...