av John Strand | mar 23, 2021 | Wetland as buffers
Naturvårdsverket (Swedish EPA) arrangerad an annual meeting for the 8 projects awarded in the call. We got presentations on the progress in the varius projects and also information from the SEPA, Formas and SGU. The image beloww shows a map of the location of all the...
av John Strand | mar 17, 2021 | Wetland as buffers
The status report for our project is now submitted to Naturvårdsverket
av John Strand | feb 19, 2021 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers
The first results from last years sampling of invertebrates have now been delivered by the experts that have spent the winter sorting, counting and identifying the specimens. One group that has been done so far is the family of dancing flies (Empididae). Among the...
av John Strand | jan 27, 2021 | Wetland as buffers
We had to change batteries in two of the water level meters. It was a bit difficult due to a combination of ice and rain, but with a SUP and umbrella Lea and Sofia managed! Good work!
av John Strand | jan 11, 2021 | Wetland as buffers
Today we sent out the second newsletter to all the landowners (> 80).