Second collection

The second collection, with more Malaise-trapping in both Uppland and Halland is now in action. After the hot-streak during the midsummer week, we hope to find plenty of insects around the wetlands. This picture is taken at Hemmesta sjöäng, a reconstructed wetland...

Sampling campaign

In June we did the first sampling campaign of invertebrates in 50 CWs, with Malaise-traps, colour pans, suction sampling, and pit fall traps. The picture shows a malaise-trap and colour bowls.

Nest boxes

The nest box packages are designed to test effects of hole diameter and wood material on the nesting frequency of different species of solitary bees and wasps. The locations of the package were designed so we can get answers to questions on effects of distance from...


We are networking with the project LIFE-Goodstream and are using the large number of artificial nests that are planned to be deployed in the drainage area of the stream Trönningeån. In total 275 nest boxes are used. The nests boxes are bundled into...

Data gathered

An example of the data gathered. The picture shows untreated data, illustrated as a graph directly generated by the program. It is good for a quick check on the water level meters from the office, without have to go out in the field, and means that we have good...