av John Strand | jul 15, 2021 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers
Peter has spent some 10 days in July in Halland to repeat the invertebrate sampling in the 50 selected wetlands that were investigated also last year. Focus was on Maialsie-traps. The photo shows the trap at the wetland ”TA25”
av John Strand | apr 13, 2021 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers
The sorting work is progressing within the project with additional groups fully identified . The very large spider material is now identifed by Raul Vicente, and the dance flies (Empididae) by Sven Hellqvist. Examples from the two organism groups are shown below....
av John Strand | apr 12, 2021 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers
Another group of insects from the Malaise traps survey in 2020 has now been identified. it is the Crane flies, where we found a total of 47 species in Halland and 39 species in Uppland. Of these, 7 were new species for Halland and 4 new species for Uppland. The most...
av John Strand | feb 19, 2021 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers
The first results from last years sampling of invertebrates have now been delivered by the experts that have spent the winter sorting, counting and identifying the specimens. One group that has been done so far is the family of dancing flies (Empididae). Among the...
av John Strand | nov 19, 2020 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers, Wetlands 2.0
Today we had a very good meeting with the researchers from the project WetKit (www.wetkit.weebly.com). We will cooperate regarding sampling sites and sampling strategies and will thus get more data from the sites leading to better understanding on e.g....
av John Strand | okt 1, 2020 | Management of CW
Now the sorting of the samples is on the way. Victor Eriksson is hired to sort out the groups of interest, that will later be sent out to experts for species determination.