av John Strand | apr 25, 2021 | Wetland as buffers
This week we had a 2-day meeting with Jerker Jarsjö and Imenne Åhlén (Stockholm University), to decide methods to produce bathymetric maps of the 110 wetlands and to finalise our strategy for flow measurements in the 11 streams in our joint project. It was a very...
av John Strand | apr 13, 2021 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers
The sorting work is progressing within the project with additional groups fully identified . The very large spider material is now identifed by Raul Vicente, and the dance flies (Empididae) by Sven Hellqvist. Examples from the two organism groups are shown below....
av John Strand | apr 12, 2021 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers
Another group of insects from the Malaise traps survey in 2020 has now been identified. it is the Crane flies, where we found a total of 47 species in Halland and 39 species in Uppland. Of these, 7 were new species for Halland and 4 new species for Uppland. The most...
av John Strand | mar 29, 2021 | Wetlands 2.0
This week Björn and Sofia placed 56 specially designed nest boxes at 14 wetlands to study how distance from water affect nesting performance. At each wetland nest boxes were placed in gradients from the water. 7 of the 14 wetlands will later in summer be drained to...
av John Strand | mar 28, 2021 | Wetland as buffers
The collection of invertebrates last summer continues to reveal interesting findings as the experts go through the material. The latest interesting discovery regarding species biogeographical data was the spider Rugathodes instabilis that was found in one of our...