av John Strand | mar 11, 2022 | Wetland as buffers, Wetlands 2.0
We have now started to analyze last summers field experiment with Osmia nest boxes in a hydrological gradient from the wetlands. We get data on nr of individuals, sex and occurence of dead or not developed individuals.
av John Strand | mar 4, 2022 | Wetland as buffers, Wetlands 2.0
This week a paper on trophic cascades involving fish, zooplankton, phytoplankton, algal mats, bumle bees and oil seed rape, in a mesocosm experiment conducted in the project, was publishen i OIKOS https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/oik.09047 The results...
av John Strand | feb 1, 2022 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers, Wetlands 2.0
Today we submitted a short article to inspire the public to explore wetland shorelines in order to experience the high biodiversity of insects and spiders. It is based on the findings in our projects which also are explained in the article. Results on beetles,...
av John Strand | okt 30, 2021 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers, Wetlands 2.0
The whole Biowetland project group attended a conference at Stockholm University (Multi-functional wetlands) the 27 of October and thereafter a 2-day workshop with ca 20 researchers discussing a joint paper on Constructed wetlands and synergies and trade-offs of...
av John Strand | sep 27, 2021 | Management of CW, Wetland as buffers, Wetlands 2.0
Some time must be spent on mainenance on the 125 water level meters. Here Sam changes batteries in one of them
av John Strand | aug 9, 2021 | Wetland as buffers, Wetlands 2.0
The field material (various traps nests and nest boxes) from the pollinator field experiments that now have been terminated, have been collected and stored. Due to the very high rainfall in August we could not carry out the planned test with effects of draining some...