News & happenings
Interview on the multifunctionality of wetlands
Peter and Jerker were interviewed in the...
End report Published!
The end report from the project "Wetlands as...
End conference!
The end conference (joint wiith the project...
End Conference
We will arrange an joint end conference...
Dragonfly studies including eDNA – field work now finished
Now all field work is done in our study of how...
A popular science publication as a result of project surveys
The data from the surveys of dragonflies in the...
Two new thesis/degree projects in the project are now published
Tobias Engzell studied the water level...
Final arthropod sampling
Peter did a final sampling tour in Halland in...
Two upcoming presentations of our work
The 31 of May, Peter will talk about...
Our latest paper acknowledged at ”Global Water Forum”
Our paper on Tradeoffs and synergies in wetland...
Water level monitoring is now terminated
This week we have started to collect the 112...
Today is International wetlands day!
We celebrate with a summer memory from last year...
Paper submitted
Today we submitted a paper to "Svensk Botanisk...
High flow data collection
The last weeks rain with subsequent high flows...
Newspaper article about the project published in several media
An article about the work by Peter and David at...
New paper published!
Now our paper on Tradeoffs and synergies in...
Project meeting at Stockholm University on data handling
We had a meeting in Stockholm the 23-25 November...
Meeting with landowners
The 26 of November, we arranged a combined...
No, more wetlands will not lead to malaria epidemics in Sweden!
The risk of getting back malaria in Sweden is...
A milestone is reached!
20220930_172849-1 Now we have done the...
Article about the Buffer project in ”Lantbrukets Affärer”
Project dissemination is on-going
We frequently have visits by landowners,...
New arthropod sampling this week
This week Peter and assistant biology student...
Vegetations survey gave interesting botanical results
The vegetation surveys of ca 25 wetlands are now...
Vegetation surveys started
We have started with the surveys of submersed...
Presentation att SIL, Berlin the 7-10 of August
John had an online presentation at the 36th SIL...
Drought experiment terminated
After David and Beata did the final arthropod...
Second sampling in the field experiment
This week David is in Halland to do the follow...
Presentation at the XXVI International Congress of Entomology, Helsinki 17-22 July
David presented the studies on arthropods in the...
Pulling the plug in a wetland
Here Sofia and Kalle do the emptying of one of...
Field experiment started (water level manipulations)
This week we started a field experiment where we...
Presentation of Dragonfly data att ECOO 2022, Slovenia
John presented some data from the dragonfly...
Project group meeting 26-27 of May
We had a 2-day project group meeting at Lilla...
Scientific paper published
The first paper from our surveys is now...
SEPA`s annual meeting on Wetland ecosystem services held at Halland
The annual meeting for the Swedish Environmental...
Analyse of field experiment nest boxes
We have now started to analyze last summers...
New Publication in Wetlands 2.0
This week a paper on trophic cascades involving...
Batymetri measurments continue
We continue with the batymetry measurements in...
Our results on national radio (”Vetenskapsradion”)
Today, some results from our survey to...
The storm ”Malik” had large impact on the water levels in the streams.
During the weekend the 29-30 of January the...
Popular scientific article submitted
Today we submitted a short article to inspire...
Mainenance of water level meters continues…
As always with electronic equipment permanently...
Paper accepted!
Today we got the news that our paper submitted...
”Half-time” Thesis presentation by David Åhlén
The 19 of November David Åhlén presented results...
A paper on interesting findings from the biodiversity surveys of 2020-2021 has been submitted
Today we submitted the first scientific paper in...
Conference and work shop in Stockholm
The whole Biowetland project group attended a...
Maintenance of water level meters
Some time must be spent on mainenance on the 125...
Second sampling of invertebrates for 2021
Today David arrived in Halmstad for sampling...
Filming of our project again
Today Johan and Joel from Heurgren Film AB spent...
New sampling period for Cyanoblooms
This week the second field sampling was done in...
Project WetKit visit Halland
This week Pia and Joachim from project WetKit...
Field experiments with pollinators finished – emptying of wetlands postponed to next year
The field material (various traps nests and nest...
Interesting observation of dragonfly species in a Buffer-wetland
During our dragonfly surveys we found a Common...
First flow measurments are done
We have now done the first flow measurements in...
New field experiment with effects of PFAS on Red mason bee
We investigate the effects of PFAS on the...
We expand our surveys to include selected invasive species
We have added a categroy to our field protocols....
Bathymetry surveys continue
We continue with the time consuming work of...
Some wetlands are dry at the moment – important habitat for adapted species
The dry weather has turned some wetlands into...
Thesis work on pollinators and water
Two students from Halmstad University are doing...
Invertebrate sampling continues this year
Peter has spent some 10 days in July in Halland...
Cyanobloom study starts
Today Pablo Urrutia Cordero started his field...
Examples of nest boxes at a short (narrow) litoral zone with low elevation
The photos show one of the 14 wetlands where we...
Drone photography has started
We have started with the drone to test how...
Field survey continues
Since the weather conditions are important Björn...
Field survey has started
Now the surveys of the 14 wetlands have started
Our activities in the Buffer project has been filmed
A professional film company (Heurgren Film AB)...
Preparations for surveys in the field experiment
Today we tested the methods of the surveys in...
3rd newsletter sent to landowners
Today we sent out the 3rd newsletter to the ca...
Bathymetry measurements are ongoing
By combining sonar data that we get from...
Bathymetry measuremnts ongoing
We are now working with constucting maps of the...
Testing bathymetry methods and flow measurement strategy
This week we had a 2-day meeting with Jerker...
Sorting and identifying organisms continue…
The sorting work is progressing within the...
All the Crane flies (Tipuloidea) are now identified and counted
Another group of insects from the Malaise traps...
Nest boxes deployed for study on droughts and importance of water bodies for pollinators in the agricultural landscape
This week Björn and Sofia placed 56 specially...
Tuvklotspindel (Rugathodes instabilis) – new species for Halland
The collection of invertebrates last summer...
Annual meeting 22/3 2021(Naturvårdsverket)
Naturvårdsverket (Swedish EPA) arrangerad an...
Status report submitted
The status report for our project is now...
New species for Sweden in our sampling!
The first results from last years sampling of...
Maintenance of water level meters
We had to change batteries in two of the water...
Second newsletter to landowners
Today we sent out the second newsletter to all...
All trap nests are collected
Now we have collected all the trap nests located...
First meeting with the WetKit project
Today we had a very good meeting with the...
Sorting of samples
Now the sorting of the samples is on the way....
The collection of arthropods is done for 2020!...
When doing sampling close to livestock, you...
Last collection this year
The last collection of the year in Halland is...
Third sampling
In August we did the third sampling campaign of...
Collection spiders
In Uppland we are also collecting spiders for...
Third collection
The third and last leg of collection is on the...
Second sampling
In July we did the second sampling campaign of...
Second collection
The second collection, with more...
Sampling campaign
In June we did the first sampling campaign of...
Nest boxes
The nest box packages are designed to test...
We are networking with the project...
Data gathered
An example of the data gathered. The picture...
Transect walks
In June we have done surveys of flowering...
12 level meters
Now our level meters are deployed in 111...
Deploying water lever meters
Here is a film showing part of the process of...
Trapnest update
Now all trap nests have been located at the CWs....
Inverted leaf blower
Collecting ground living arthropods using an...